Assayujjiya Punnama or Probarona Purnima
The Assayujjiya Punnama or the full moon day of Assayujjiya (September-October) also known as the Pravarana Punnama. This full moon day signifies the end of the three month Lent of Bhikkhus. Other functions of the festival include the offering the offering of the Buddha Puja in the morning, feeding the monks in fornoon, illumimination of the monastery in the evening by lighting candles like the Diwali of Hindus, vows of Pancha Sila or Attha Sila by the elders and keeping the Sabbath (fast day). It is a day of great rejoicing and merry-making. Buddhists send up a kind of lighted balloon, made of thin paper, to the sky, called Phanus Baji, in the evening.